Posted by John Vietti on Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 9:23PM :
I would like to put a 5 speed with overdirve in my PW. I looked at some transmissions today in a friends junk pile and realized I did not know how to identify them. From Charlie's excellent post on diesels I believe I need to find a NP 540, a Spicer 3053 (although it may be too long), or a Clark 280 VO.
So the question is when I walk up to a greasy old tranmission where are the identifying numbers for the various makes?? I looked at some 5 speed Clarks today and cound only find some casting numbers. Actually I was not convinced they were even Clarks as there was nothing to obviously id them.
I would like to be armed with some information before I wander into the local junk yards like a babe in the woods. I suppose to tell a good one is pretty tough-mabe take the top cover off and see if the gears all look good etc. I imagine even then it is a crap shoot as to whether the trannie is any good.
TIA for any advice. Cheers, John
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