Posted by Clint Dixon on Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 0:58AM :
...of everyone who is planning to attend the 15th annual VPW Rally?
I know at least one regular is already there, but I don't believe that he frequents this Forum.
Follow Ups: Another from Indiana.. - Mike in Indiana 12:56PM 05/31/2002 Been there twice this month already. - Judd 10:47PM 05/30/2002 Re: Been there twice this month already. - Chewie 0:38AM 05/31/2002 Nebraska ntx - Judd 11:37AM 05/31/2002 Minus one from..... - Todd Somers 7:35PM 05/30/2002 Re: How about a head count? - Ron R in Indiana 7:09PM 05/30/2002 Re: How about a head count? - Paul (in NY) 5:29PM 05/30/2002 From MI, me, the wife and the 1946 WDX - Larry Hoenig 5:29PM 05/30/2002 From WI, me, my girlfriend, and two 58 PWs... - Eric B. 4:02PM 05/30/2002 Re: How about a head count? - Mac from Texas 3:11PM 05/30/2002 From Indiana (and Chicago suburbs) - Sean 1:37AM 05/30/2002
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