Posted by Chris Lube Lublin (Womanless and PoWagless.) on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 3:32AM :
In Reply to: In need of testers posted by Joe Cimoch on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 10:07PM :
Hello Joe:
Thanks to you and all you do for us in PoWag Land. I went and checked out the "new" forumn and its scary! It looks like Kris' 61-71 Forumn or the M-37 Forumn. I used to frequent the 61-71 Message board, till it changed, now its too big a pain to deal with. Your Forumn and MoparNorms are the two best on the net, If you can, than by all means please keep this one up and running. I really dont care for the idea of having to Log-In either. That makes it seem like a "Private" group. Please keep things the way they are. Thanks, you are doing a great job!