Posted by Mark Davis on Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 9:04PM :
In Reply to: Re: Here is an idea.... posted by Joe Cimoch on Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 9:42PM :
Is that why you never travel more than 10 minutes from home and are always the first one out the door when your shift at work is over???
Hmmm, I have a little extra cash around. Now, if I can just get you to come to N.J. for a PW rally....
I am sorry!!! I lost my head. Please don't block me from the forum!!!
On the serious side,
Due to all the neat old tools, toys, and other stuff I have, I often think of who will take care of them when I no longer can.
I think of this because as I use all these items, I think who used them before me, and what they made with the tools, where did they go in the Power Wagon, and how did playing with the toys develop their imagination.
I hope that whoever becomes the caretaker, enjoys these objects as much as I did; develops confidence, patience a deisre to create wheather they use them to make a living or use these items as to enjoy life.
May these items bring good people together and help kids come of age under their parents watchful eyes.
Just the other day, a contractor on the job needed to cut 3 2x4's that were nailed together. I took out my hand saw and he said in front of his crew, "That will take twenty minutes"!!
About 10 seconds later, I was through the wood which was wet, laying on the ground with a pallet of wood on top.
I showed the contractor the saws handle where my Grandfathers carved his initials. I told him that the saw is close to 100 years old and my Gandfather passed it on to me over 20 years ago.
I know how to sharpen saws by hand.
I have never had to sharpen this one!!!