Posted by Sean from ( on Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 10:16AM :
The more I work on Fred C. the more I learn, not just about old Dodges, but about Fred C. in particular.
I think his engine has been pulled and if not re-built at least examined. The sn has been ground or sand-blasted off and a 4 digit # struck into the flat spot where his original # should be. I can BARELY make out a few digits of the old number, but only just. I am going to need to get a good strong directional light to read more.
I got the build record from D-C so I know what the original # should be.
What can I learn about this engine? How can I figure out where it came from, who may have worked on it (i.e. Army or civilian, BIG national company known for rebuilding engines, selling rebuilt engines, etc. or Joe Schmoes garage...)
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