Posted by EdC from ( on Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 1:59AM :
In Reply to: Re: 2002 California Power Wagon Rally Aprl 19-21st posted by Bob G from ( on Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 1:42AM :
Sounds like my wife, the shopping that is :) There is an Arts & Crafts festival that same weekend in a neighboring town pretty close (San Juan Batista, I think). As far as the coffee goes, we are bringing in several gallons on Saturday morning from StarBucks, just in case we can't get the coffee "magic brew" from the campsite. I"ll be darned if I am going on a trail ride with a bunch of Power Wagon Nuts that haven't had their MDR (minimum daily requirement) of JAVA! I've seen it before and it is UGLY!
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