Posted by Mike Aucott on Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 10:47PM :
I smelled the smoke, and then heard the fire siren as I was passing the fire station. I continued on my errand, and then, crossing the railroad bridge, saw the fire. It was a grass fire, along the tracks. I parked my car, and circled around on foot and scrambled down to the tracks for a better look. Some firemen were already on the scene. They were in pickup trucks, and evidently had no water, because the flames were spreading and they seemed to be making no effort to put them out. A couple of other spectators had arrived, two young men. We watched the firemen’s blinking lights and the flickering flames and billowing smoke. Then, far down the tracks, from behind us, another vehicle was spotted; it had evidently entered the roadbed from another access point. As it neared, its form became distinct. “What is THAT?” one of the onlookers asked incredulously, “It looks like some kind of OLD TIME vehicle.” It was a Dodge Power Wagon, flying two American flags.As it roared past, I could see its immaculate red and gold trim, and could hear the characteristic thrum of a flathead six. It carried water, and a pump driven by an auxiliary engine. Soon, the firemen were spraying water, and the fire was out.
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