Posted by Eric B. on Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 0:54AM :
I plan on using stock 6 bolt, 6 vent hole, 16" wide lock ring rims on my 1959 W300.
My books say that the 59 W300 rims are a 6.5" wide rim, and that they ran 9.00 16s stock.
I belive these are the same lock rings, and basic outside rims as the FFs use with 5.83s (the centers being different).
Is this so?
Either way, what is the largest tire I can safetly use with this rim on a Dana 70 front axle, and how would I adjust the spedometer to read correctly?
Can you get new speedo drive gear for the 201 transfercase in enough ratios to fix the oversized tire problem?
Once I have a size in mind, I will be asking for tire suggestions, but if you want to start on that now, I want something that looks stock if possible, and not NDTs.
Thanks for any help you can provide!