Posted by Vaughn [] on Monday, October 16, 2023 at 09:05:22 :
In Reply to: Re: Lubricant for "After Type" transmision posted by Tom Petroff (IL) [] on Sunday, October 15, 2023 at 17:34:07 :
Hi Tom, I'm in the process of doing it. I've re-wired the dash/front lights, new gauges although not original, except for fuel, I have to look for one, then I can incorporate it into the set, plumb the brake lines and having some issues with them sealing so I bought a tool to surface the line flares to take any imperfections and copper 45 degree crush gaskets to go between the flare and witness ring of the components, hopefully that will take care of it. The bag you see at the cowl has the rolls of wire to do the chassis wiring once I set the engine in. Hoping to get the lines taken care of this week and set the engine next weekend. There are images at the link to the work done thus far.