Posted by Torvald [] on Monday, October 09, 2023 at 23:16:08 :
Back in June I posted a question concerning the inability to fill my tank at anything but a snail�s pace; any faster pace would result in gasoline burbling out of the vent tube. I enjoyed the responses on ways of dealing with the slow fill and actually enjoying the leisurely pace.
I thought some out there might be interested in my solution. It was really quite simple; I added about 5� onto the vent tube so that it now extends about 7� into the tank. I used a piece of copper tube that happened to be the same size as the vent tube, enlarged one end so that it would fit over the end of the vent tube, and soldered the two together. Now I can fill the tank with the nozzle at the maximum clicker position and not have gasoline burbling out.
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