Posted by RDavis on Sunday, February 03, 2002 at 9:33AM :
MR. old fart called me early this morning, to let me know the fellow that owned the 1970 W-500 had found a starter and would sell it for $850,thats $350 more than he gave, so I guess I'll be the next owner when my tax check gets here.
He said he could bid on vehicles but its a lot of work. I will be trying to go with him occasionally to see whats offered at these auctions and if I see good stuff I know folks would want, I'll try to get him to bid on it so I can get my feet wet. It will take some time but hopefully I can help him and he can help me and I can help you guys get some good stuff at good prices. I'll be very disappointed if this doesn't pan out as I really do need a little extra cash for my projects and equip. for the ranch. So be patient while I test the waters and learn what I need to know about bidding and dealing in this stuff. Believe me, I don't intend on getting rich and I have a regular job, I just want in a position to get some of this neat Gov. stuff for myself with a little extra cash to boot. My main concern is shipping and how to get stuff to folks without alot of cost to the buyer which might kill a sell. So if anyone has any ideas on the subject, please e-mail me.
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