Posted by Vaughn on Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 10:50PM :
In Reply to: Front alignment posted by Tom J. on Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 8:17PM :
If it's a flat fender, toe-in should be set from 0 (zero) to 1/8. I found setting the tor-in to 0 greatly reduces tire wear and heat. You can take it to someone and it will cost you $60 plus or you can do it yourself, here's how
1. Place both front wheels off the ground;
2. Using a pencil and a board to brace your hand, rotate the tire and hold the pencil against the tire to make a line all around. They may take some practice;
3. Back the nut off the left tie rod end to the top of the nolt;
4. With a helper, measure the rear tire center points, note it, and then the front. If you out of specs, do the following;
4. Using a pry bar over the tie rod and under the knuckle where the tie rod end mounts, apply pressure, and using a hammer strike the side of the knuckle where the tie rod is mounted. This will pop the tie rod end loose. Try to avoid using a fork, since the tie rod has a seal and spring, and in most cases you will damage them.
5. Loosen the tie rod end on the tie rod and turn it clock wise to widen or counter clock to narrow the toe-in. Give the tie rod a good shove in it's socket. Remeasure and adjust accordingly.
6. Tighten it up, and use the carter key!