Posted by scott56 [] on Sunday, October 09, 2022 at 09:55:31 :
Caveat 1 and 2: I don't drive my power wagon very often since it has been running the last 5 years and I tend to forget small details. It has always run around 160-170 on the original temp gauge that I have repaired twice with a new bulb from a new, modern gauge. It doesn't like to be filled to the top of the radiator and blows out fluid until it reaches it's preferred level. It was in the 70s outside. Yesterday I filled the radiator to the top and drove on the freeway 15 miles at around 55 the excess fluid came out the radiator cap almost instantly. Good time to test my electric wipers and they worked fine. The temp on the gauge looked to be close to 200. When I got home, 15 miles later after a 3 hour cool down, I used the infrared temp gauge to check the head temp right at the sending unit. It was 185 and the top radiator hose was 150. That seemed good to me but I don't like when something changes. It has one of the big brass thermostats. Other than the perceived change, do these reading sound normal?
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