weird question of the week

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Posted by Todd Miller [] on Friday, August 05, 2022 at 13:15:53 :

The kid who came to my house and mounted new tires and put the new tires and wheels on the truck did not have the equipment necessary to remove the old tires from the old wheels. I think you call them split rings or something like that. Can I use a reciprocating saw to cut up the tires, so that I can get them off the rims and throw the pieces away? Why not take them somewhere that can remove the tires and throw them away? Because they will not fit in my car or trunk, even one at a time. And they are too heavy to lift anyways. And one way or another, they will have to be cut up to be disposed of because this is California, and the thought of trying to dispose of whole tires from a residence makes me fearful of incarceration. Oh! You think I exaggerate? In this area of Southern California, by law, we now have to dispose of our food waste from the kitchen, in a plastic bag, which is then placed in the organic waste bin. And to enforce said law, there is talk of having some bureaucrat check peoples waste bins to make sure that folks are putting the table and kitchen scraps in the waste bin, and fining them if they don't. Not kidding.

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