Posted by Marty [] on Friday, June 24, 2022 at 04:02:02 :
In Reply to: Re: block sanding posted by Todd Miller [] on Thursday, June 23, 2022 at 23:21:52 :
Painting is a multi step procedure if one wants perfection. It just depends what your goals are. If you can see scratches the color of your guide coat, I’d keep sanding or re prime it. Some folks like high build primers over top of epoxy primers…I don’t but paint is like motor oil…you’re going to get hundreds of opinions but bottom line…if you want perfection then just prime it again, spray another guide coat & sand it again. I never ever sand with coarser than 320. Start with 320 & then if you’re using a 2 part paint…go finer from there. We only sand with coarser than 320 prior to epoxy.
Hi building primer shrinks too much. I find it’s best to get any metal work done, use filler sparingly & use a long board wherever possible. Get panels as flat as is humanly possible. Use a high quality epoxy primer that’s as thin as is possible & let it cure for at least a couple weeks before boarding again, then another coat of epoxy…as thin as humanly possible & then your guide coat. Once guide coat is on, nothing coarser than 320.
If you’re spraying urethane or enamel once you’ve sanded your guide coat off with a block…never your hand…you’re ready to start washing & prepping for paint. Lots of soapy water is the best first step. Wax & grease remover is like the very last step before you start spraying.
That’s how I do it…works for me.