Posted by Tom in Indiana [] on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 23:58:07 :
So... after a few years spent dealing with life, deaths, and the ongoing destruction of the civilized world, I've decided the '53 Power Wagon has sat neglected in the garage long enough. After selling the last of my extra trucks and parts two years ago, I thought I had everything I needed to get it back together and back on the road, but I had forgotten about the driver's side front leaf spring being broken. It is an 11-leaf, and the only spare I have is a 12-leaf. Would anyone possibly have a spare of either one they'd be willing to part with? I messaged CCSammy/Matt to see if he had one, since he is just down the road from me, but apparently he doesn't have any. Also, I still need to figure out the steering linkage for the front Dana 60 axle swap. Dan Mininger and Matt Tisdale neither one had any advice for using the Ramcharger box/non-crossover setup, but Matt at VPW got me in contact with one person who had done it (whom I have since forgotten how to get ahold of), but nobody has been able to recall part numbers or a basic guide on how to get it going... although it's been done many times. Does anyone have any ideas or solutions they'd care to share? I'm hoping to get the truck back on the road this Summer, since I've been stuck at the same point for a couple years already. Thanks!
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