Posted by bucky [] on Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 21:01:57 :
Anyone know what could be going on with my laptop? Joe & I have been emailing trying to figure this out. I have tried multiple times on both this forum & the test forum to reply to an existing topic. I can't reply in either forum. Always get the "captcha error" message. I am aware of the time expiring so I always load a new code before hitting the "Post Message" button. I'm also aware of the 45 second rule.... On the test forum it will show to accept my post if it is a new message (no captcha error), but the post never appears in the list, even after refreshing the page. I am at a loss. I'm using Google Chrome & Windows 10 on a very old HP 2000 laptop if that helps..... not sure if this is related but the red letters outside the optional link boxes don't appear when I'm under an existing message but are present when starting a new message. Any suggestions, I can at least read them & try them out. Thanks, Bucky
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