Posted by John W. S. son of John S [] on Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 13:05:13 :
In Reply to: Changing tire questions posted by Dickie in Southwest Va. [] on Monday, February 07, 2022 at 21:02:12 :
As controversial as it may be a chainsaw works extremely well for cutting thru petrified bias ply tires. Somewhere I have a picture... What you'll do, no matter what sawing method chosen, is strategically cut the tire creating square sidewalls. I say strategically because you will want to be closest at the split in the lock ring. From there cut, chisel, gnaw, whatever it takes to get thru the bead at the split and peel it free from the wheel. Gaining access to the backside of the bead will allow for easier removal and also give a good look at the inner portion of the wheel. Depending on how rusty things are, you may find that the job is complete without extra effort to find the rim too rusty to be viable. Locally, if a tire is cut into pieces it can be disposed of in the regular trash without tire shop disposal fees.
Unless the wheel is extremely stubborn, the tool in the picture works about as good as any. It was copied from a version shown in the Power Wagon Advertiser.