Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Tuesday, December 07, 2021 at 13:13:44 :
In Reply to: Seal Driver posted by Dennis in Hollister [] on Monday, December 06, 2021 at 16:16:09 :
I agree with Jerry below. I just rebuilt the hubs and front axle in my WDX. I found a socket inn my 3/4-inch drive set that fit the bushing perfectly when turned around backwards. I slipped an 8-inch long 3/4-inch extension into the socket from the wrong side (the nut side) and presto, I had a quick seal and bushing driver. The "neck" of the socket fit inside the bushing perfectly and the tapered shoulder that flared out to the bigger OD body diameter of the socket drove against the ID taper on the shoulder-to-bore of the bushing. Thus, nothing ever touched the actual shoulder of the bushing so it did not get marked up. This is a good thing as the flange of the axle shaft rides against this shoulder of the bushing.
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