Posted by Vaughn [] on Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 12:29:13 :
In Reply to: Balance drive shaft posted by Steve in FH [] on Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 11:45:16 :
I've never had my propeller shafts balanced and if you don't see weights it may just mean it didn't need it. Some things to check:
- Loose 3rd member pinion gear - check for side to side play. Do also for the TC driven gear, input shaft, and trans output shaft. This can cause vibration.
- Check the alignment arrows of the propeller tube and sliding yoke to ensure they are aligned with each other. Do for all shafts.
- Grab the UJ and torque side-to-side with your hands for play in side movement. Replace if they have it. Check all UJ's.
- Look in PIF, group 28, LL, "propeller shaft vibration" for the service bulletin to reduce propeller shaft vibration.
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