Posted by Scott on Friday, January 25, 2002 at 8:40PM :
In Reply to: The government is up to their tricks again. Time write your posted by Tim Way on Friday, January 25, 2002 at 5:58PM :
I wouldn't be surprised if they told you, yes we'll buy it from you if you want to help with this program, but when your not looking introduce legislation that prohibits you from registering said vehicle or insuring it or being allowed to use it whatsoever on any public property or even state or government property {i.e. roads}. With all these environmental treaty's you never know what they have in store. This not only applies to old vehicles but also to hunting guns etc. hey are very clever at taking these things from us a little at a time. Moral of the story- heed every small warning sign! And remember this is the age of "Political Correctness" God forbid someones feelings get hurt. Enough said!