Posted by Chris Case [] on Monday, July 05, 2021 at 16:30:03 :
Three tests, two parts,and I bought a new fully-featured multimeter to check things. $275.
But while waiting for the tech to do his thing, I spotted a BIG battery in the gutter across the street. Being the ecologically sensitive citizen 😃 that I am, I brought it home. ($10 core value?) Only one year old, with a hole in the side. Soldering iron and a zip-tie to melt as filler, top it up from my jug of battery acid (don't you keep some on hand? 😃 ) Jumper cables, and crank up the Power Wagon! It's battery is dead, 7 years old.
Now, any body shoe-horn in a size 31 battery? FFPW?
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