Posted by scott56 [] on Monday, May 31, 2021 at 13:53:47 :
Over the last couple of days I have been messing around with the Power wagon.About a year ago I blew up the battery by forgetting it was on the charger. I just cleaned and repainted the engine and a couple of attached pieces that had rust on them from the battery acid which at the time I rinsed with water and baking soda. While removing the oil fill tube, a lock washer fell in the hole in the block to the pan. I tried fishing with a magnet and drained the oil and nothing. I wasn't that worried as it would settle to the bottom. But is still bugged me. One more try with the magnet and I got it. I also replace the transmission and transfer case oil. Drove it about 40 miles, mostly freeways. in Silicon Valley it takes a drive to get to a nice country road. Cruised along at 50 for 30 miles or so. Oil at 30-40 lbs, Water at 180-190. All my gauges work except the speedo. Had to change freeways because The road work ahead would have had me speed up to 55 Mph. Nice drive but my shoulder can always feel it from the tight turns. Ready for Holister Rally!
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