Posted by Vaughn [] on Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 08:33:34 :
In Reply to: Re: Image of Cab mounts posted by Marty [] on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 18:55:56 :
That may be the case although I haven't seen any documentation to support it. There is still some downward "G" force flex on that side as well as frame flex - see image at link, one of the reasons I added the 1/4 inch plate additional support to mine. There is column flex in the tube and at the cowl clamp rubber insulator so it's not a total solid mount however it's probably all designed to minimize flex. I do have a rubber insulator under mine on the FL side, I can't say it has caused or not caused any issues. Just make sure you keep the steering box and cowl clamp loose until you have the cab set the way you want it, then tighten the box and clamp last.