Posted by Vaughn [] on Thursday, September 03, 2020 at 12:54:44 :
In Reply to: Regulator problem posted by Jonathan Sprague [] on Wednesday, September 02, 2020 at 16:22:43 :
Ok, when the engine is not running, the cut-out relay contact points will be open, and closed when the engine is running. The reason they are open when the engine is not running is to prevent battery current from flowing into the generator winding's. Once the generator produces voltage above 12v, the cut-out relay contact points will close switching the generator output to on-line where generator output is controlled by the current and voltage limiters.
Typical generator problems are either no output or low output and it doesn't seem the generator has these issues.
I guess I'm not seeing where you have a over charging condition, is the ammeter pegged?
The battery, is it new or used, what's the condition of it, is it extremely hot after running the engine?
You will burn ignition points if you have not installed a ballast resister or coil with an internal resister.
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