Posted by Dozerman51 [] on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 14:17:19 :
In Reply to: Re: Exhaust manifold butterfly posted by Clint Dixon [] on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 13:22:15 :
What I did was cut the heads off the bolts using a dremel And hack saw. Then I just strayed lots of PB Blaster on the other end of the headless bolts going into the intake manifold. Tapped on the bolts every now and then as I was spraying. Let it all sit over night and the next day I started turning the bolts a little at a time back and forth. Took a little while but they all screwed out without breaking. Ran a tap to clean them out and I was good to go. One more thing, the 4 blind thread castings on the intake manifold have a little side hole on them. I cleaned up the little holes and shot PB Blaster in them to allow the it to get to the threads from that end. IMHO, the 25” flathead has the better set up than the 23” Flathead. The manifold is held together by through bolts nuts and washers. Way easier to P9split apart.
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