Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Sunday, June 07, 2020 at 15:00:34 :
In Reply to: VPW Fairfield Town Square posted by Sparky [] on Sunday, June 07, 2020 at 11:52:33 :
I could not stay away from Fairfield. Here I am at the Fairgrounds holding up my 2020 Rally t-shirt. Yes, the Rally was a little light on attendance this year. Didn't get to see as many trucks as I would have liked to and did not get to talk to as many people as I had hoped for. But, Jens and Matt were gracious to take a couple minutes away from the phones and step outside to visit - while we all practices social distancing of course.
We had to travel to Iowa City to pick up some hard-to-find building supplies and while there we were only a couple blocks from Route 1 anyway, so couldn't resist the temptation to take a side trip down to Fairfield. It was bittersweet. Made motel reservations for next year and ate lunch in the shade at the fairgrounds.
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