Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Saturday, March 28, 2020 at 17:51:18 :
So many of you know that for the past 10 years or so Martie and I have been working the sawmill at out antique tractor clubs working farm show in the fall. We use the WDX with the Monroe lift and an attached cordwood saw to cut up the slabs into small enough pieces so the steam engine guys can burn them the following year.
Well I have wanted something that I could use at the show with my B3PW, so several years ago I found a belt driven hammer mill. I have been fiddling around with it to get it setup to use behind the B3PW to grind up corn cobs into mulch, bedding, chicken feed, or whatever the club may want to use it for.
After the September 2018 show I brought a full load of corn cobs home, about 112 bushels worth, in the bed of the B3 and ground them all up for mulch about a year ago. (See image.)
Well, jump ahead a year. Before the Coronavirus thing all cut loose, Martie forgot to buy toilet paper the last couple of times she went to the store. Now, the only place we can find it, WHEN we can find it, will let you buy only two rolls at a time.
I am kicking myself now. I wish I had saved all of those corn cobs. They make for a great personal hygiene aid in the absence of toilet paper. 112 bushels would have kept us and all of our neighbors fresh for the rest of the summer...
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