Posted by DDD [] on Friday, February 21, 2020 at 07:28:37 :
In Reply to: Ah... so then... posted by DDD [] on Friday, February 21, 2020 at 06:59:55 :
It appears then from the chart I gave the link to in my opening post., that the HP gains were a result of compression increase, or the head design, from 54 onward. As dave H wrote, the cam changed and the manifold changed around 54 also.
But the ever increasing numbers from there onward go up . ( interesting where the chart calls a 230 a 230.2 prior to 1955)
That being said, the chart shows the following:
1953 230.2ci Compression=7.00 HP=100
1954 230.2ci Compression=7.25 HP=110
1955 230 ci Compression=7.4 HP=123
1956. 230 ci Compression=7.6 HP=131
1957 230 ci Compression=8.0 HP= 138
Then it remains flat for the next few years
Keeping compression of 8:1 and HP rating at 138 HP
So after the cam and manifold dump location changes, what else happened to explain this in lease?
Just the head design? Thickness to boost compression?
it would be VERY interesting to have a head from each of these motors to measure thickness and to visually see the combustion ports to determine any design changes internally.
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