Posted by Mike in Arkansas [] on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 09:38:02 :
In Reply to: 1976 dodge w100 posted by Hayden Brown [] on Monday, January 13, 2020 at 22:00:34 :
Sounds like a np203 full time transfer case. They use a differential in the transfer case and because of weight transfer will actually spin a front tire on acceleration. The differential can be locked, hence the 4x4 position. I had a trail duster with one that was converted to part time 4x4 and I think kits were once readily available. I doubt you can get a new part time kit but probably something used could be found.
I thought warlock was just a trim package and could be had on about any drivetrain combination. I have seen warlocks in two and 4 wheel drive. Not sure whether all were original or just stickers added later though. Few 40 year old trucks are truly original.