Posted by Johnd [] on Sunday, December 29, 2019 at 06:40:40 :
In Reply to: Re: High EGT posted by Greg Coffin [] on Saturday, December 28, 2019 at 09:11:57 :
In aircraft, the method used is to run the engine at a high power setting (@2200 rpm or so) and begin adjusting the mixture while watching the EGT gauge. Adjust from rich to lean making adjustments and waiting for the EGT to show the change and stabilize. Keep leaning while watching the EGT rise. At some point, the gauge will “peak” where if you continue leaning, the EGT starts to reduce instead of continue to climb. Mark the gauge at that Peak for future reference.
Once you know the peak setting for your particular engine and settings, richen the mixture until you are running between 100 and 200 degrees RICH of peak. This is the most efficient setting for the engine, giving you high power without damaging the engine.
There is no magic EGT number for all engines, because a lot of unique factors are exclusive to a particular engine setup, so peak EGT will vary from one engine to another. What is important is to find the peak for your engine setup, then run rich of peak as described above.