Posted by Dave in Yakima [] on Sunday, December 08, 2019 at 09:48:43 :
I couldn’t pull myself from this project yesterday. After midnight she fired for the first time, and drove froward. It is a 1949 cab and front clip on a 1990 W350 dually frame. No dog house, and factory 1990 Dodge front axel position. Center line of front axel ends up approx 2” backwards from stock. Grill will need to be extended similar to the later FFPWs to fit the electric fan.
Tons of work still to do. This is a practically zero budget project. The original truck was used for mechanical parts over 20 years ago. I saved the cab and front clip and had them mounted on an M37 frame that came to me with a Ford flathead v8. I later swapped in a 318 poly from a wreaked mid 50s PW. This was back in high school.
20 years after the original build I purchased a 1990 W350 with a plan to do a body swap. My list of things I wanted was:
No dog house of the firewall and make it all fit under the hood.
Shift the steering column away from the door and tilt steering
Retain as many stock W350 parts as possible and a minimalist build cost just like the farmers did with FFPWs .
Moving forward to cleaning and refining the build. I will continue to post videos of the build. You can follow the You Tube page to see the progress.
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