Posted by Vaughn [] on Tuesday, July 02, 2019 at 21:20:59 :
In Reply to: Re: Slight Whirring Noise When Clutch is Released? posted by David Thomas [] on Tuesday, July 02, 2019 at 20:06:43 :
There are two bearings that can make that noise, as others have said, throw-out and driven gear bearing. The throw-out bearings used in M37's have a tendency to make a growling/rattling sound when cold and get quieter as they warm up. The driven gear bearing does the same thing. If it stops when the truck is in gear with clutch out and truck moving, it may still be there but over noised by other sounds. If the clutch is push in and it stops, chances are it's the main driven gear bearing going bad. At any rate, it should be investigated, you don't want the bearing to disintegrate with pieces entering the transmission through the oil return hole.