WC-62/63 4BT 5:83, 4.89, 4.30?
[Follow Ups] [Post Followup] [Dodge Power Wagon Forum]
Posted by Scott [] on Friday, June 28, 2019 at 19:49:40 :
If one were to consider repowering a WC-62/63 with a ~200hp 4BT what gearing would you recommend 5:83, 4:89, 4:30? Assuming truck would be running on 37-40" tires and all brakes upgraded to disk? Leaning towards 4:89 - 4:30
Follow Ups:
- Re: WC-62/63 4BT 5:83, 4.89, 4.30? - Aaron S 13:32:43 06/30/2019
- Re: WC-62/63 4BT 5:83, 4.89, 4.30? - Mike 18:00:12 06/29/2019
- Re: WC-62/63 4BT 5:83, 4.89, 4.30? - Greg Coffin 17:29:47 06/29/2019
- Re: WC-62/63 4BT 5:83, 4.89, 4.30? - Keith in Washington 15:51:56 06/29/2019
- Here is what I am running - west coast Bruce 00:04:10 06/29/2019
- Re: WC-62/63 4BT 5:83, 4.89, 4.30? - Greg Coffin 23:26:42 06/28/2019
- Re: WC-62/63 4BT 5:83, 4.89, 4.30? - Vaughn 21:29:56 06/28/2019
- depends on your off road use - west coast Bruce 19:59:23 06/28/2019
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