Posted by Caleb in Kansas [] on Friday, May 24, 2019 at 14:06:09 :
In Reply to: Death Wobble NOT solved posted by Nick [] on Friday, May 24, 2019 at 13:16:01 :
Not to kick a dead horse, but what is your caster angle at? I have had to dial in a significant amount of additional caster into different projects in order to correct death wobble in addition to a steering stabilizer. 3-5 degrees is normal on many vehicles, 4-6 degrees is recommended with larger tires, and I have upwards of 10 degrees dialed in on my SAS converted Suburban.
We have a '79 F700 fire truck that is all tight and still does it...a new stabilizer has reduced the occurrence by 90% or better. We joke that the hole in the seat where the driver puckers up when it happens....but once you expect it, you can power through. As gawdawful as it seems, you will very likely NOT lose control when it happens. If you are hung with brass, slam the accelerator to the floor and see if it ceases under acceleration or increased speed.
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