Posted by scott56 [] on Saturday, March 09, 2019 at 11:27:35 :
I have been so busy with tax stuff, my Alzheimer mom who broke a pelvis and constant rain that I have not had much time to work on the truck. I did install a small 6 volt tach and got the muffler and tailpipe welded up($30, stopped what they were doing and took care of it on the spot.) Took it for another test drive. 2500 rpms 50 MPH, 3000 rpms 60 mph. I am still questioning my brain as to how I could have been thinking the whole time I had the 5.83s when I actually had the 4.89s. I guess I looked for markings, didn't see any and assumed!!! I even bought 2 complete 4.89 pumpkins to install after I got the truck running and knew all was OK. The next (I almost said last) thing I need to do is resolve the high idle. It just won't run at 600-800 RPMs and it now stalls out when I stop at a light, probably from fiddling with the carb. I probably could make it to Holister but want it right.
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