Posted by dan m [] on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 13:07:45 :
In Reply to: Have PW prices peaked? posted by Steve in FH [] on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 00:22:58 :
clark did a great job on the flatbed, we all watched it happen right here. great truck for a pw guy, not really what a barret-jackson buyer is looking for. as far as prices go, everything I purchase has gone up in price other than fuel. I haven't seen a softening in the market. as far as appeal, I drove the carryall 2500 miles to its home last week and it was like a circus around it. I find powerwagons appeal to just about all age ranges (especially millennials) as well as all ethnicities. they really are a great uniter. most millennials cant afford a pw but they certainly ask a lot of questions.
as my frien dave h says; peace, love and powerwagons.
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