Posted by Dozerman51 [] on Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 23:59:47 :
In Reply to: 251 IND-33.... what do You know? posted by DDD [] on Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 20:34:51 :
Kind of doubt that the IND-33 is a 251 of 1942 vintage. In those years the engines had IND#s 5-5A-217.8, 6-6A-230.2, 7-7A-236.6, 8-8A-250.6. I have an Operators Manual published in August of 1963 for the industrial engines and it lists the IND-33 as a 265 with 116 [email protected] RPM’s. For example, the IND-7 I have in my WC1/2 ton is out of a WWII Hobart welding unit and it is stamped T-118 on the upper block with the serial number next to it and also has a brass plate to the left of the fuel pump on the lower block with the Industrial logo on it along with the IND#, type of application number and the serial number. The IND-8-8A has a T-120 number I believe.