Posted by Keith in Washington [] on Sunday, October 28, 2018 at 20:14:49 :
In Reply to: MU-2 winch bracket posted by Nick [] on Friday, October 26, 2018 at 12:24:07 :
Vintage Power Wagons have one that they had made. It is heavier than the original. I have one of theirs on my winch. It is expensive but I am more than happy with it. Atone time John Eickof in Idaho had winch parts. But John hasn’t posted here in years.
I bought it as the support on my was bent so badly that the shaft hole was oblong. It appears as the support was bent, it moved outward away from the cable spool and the hole collapsed as it came off the shaft. The frame extensions were bent 45 degrees down. The bronze gear had only minor wear, was toast as it’s teeth were bent over and ripped out of the gear body. I don’t know how it happened as I bought the entire winch setup and PTO with transmission for a $100 off a 48 PW in a junk yard. They said the truck was used at a gold mine.
After a bit of work with a 60 ton press on the extensions and cross pieces I installed it on my 51 PW. Obviously, I bought a new bronze gear and replaced all bushings and bearings. The case, spool, shafts, PTO, driveline and worm gear were fine. Obviously, the shear pin had been replaced with something that was way too hard.