Posted by wayneh [] on Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at 07:35:15 :
I don't know anything about growing hemp.... but:
Ethanol is hygroscopic, which means it absorbs water more easily than gasoline. That leads to water condensation inside fuel tanks, carburetor fuel bowls and fuel lines where air spaces are present. Water content in fuel will also swell up the paper filter media inside fuel filters not specifically designed for flex fuels and can thus restrict fuel flow at the filter.
Now maybe this is just an issue in humid climates like Maryland.... but take 10 ounces of E10 and add one ounce of water and watch the alcohol separate. Or, take 10 gallons of E10, add one gallon of water, and when the alcohol separates you can throw out the water and alcohol and use the pure gas....
The other big issue is Phase Separation. The ethanol separates from the gasoline and results in two layers of two different compounds, instead of a homogenous mixture of gasoline and ethanol. At this point the ethanol will sink below the gasoline phase and mix with any more accumulated water, making an ethanol-water phase mixture that sits on the bottom of the tank where the fuel pickup line locates.
Five years ago I was using E10 and I drained all my gas at the end of season in our seeder. The inside of the aluminum float bowl had some residual fuel in it. The results were catastrophic corrosion.
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