Posted by MikeinMissionViejo [] on Saturday, June 23, 2018 at 14:12:21 :
In Reply to: 54 Power Wagon Radiator posted by Don in MD [] on Friday, June 22, 2018 at 12:02:24 :
look down through the fill cap opening. You can get a good idea of the condition of the tubes by looking at them.
Turn the radiator upside down and flush with a garden hose. A good radiator will take the full flow of a garden hose without filling up.
Don't ever push the hose into the filler opening. You can easily bend the tops of the tubes closed.
If it passes the flow test, I would just run it. If you are patient, you will come across a better radiator eventually.
You can try to staighten out the fins with a radiator comb. But, I've never had too much luck.