Posted by Eric B. [] on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 22:35:58 :
In Reply to: Re: The power assist setup has to come from a big truck posted by Doc Dave (in MD) [] on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 21:01:16 :
In 1957 to 1960 I can find a few pieces in the later years marked as being for a W500 equipped with power steering. But it seems more random than enough parts for a complete setup and some of the part numbers are marked as W/O PS in 1958 and W/ PS in 1959-1960. Since the dealer salesman books I have don’t list the W500 as being available with PS I wonder if the random numbers are a mistake. Or it’s possible that most of the parts are the same as other models and they failed to mark them as also fitting W? It’s hard to say.
Check the link for the few pictures I have of a 1958 W500 with PS. Unfortunately that truck was stolen by scrappers and crushed a few years ago so you can’t get better pictures or part numbers from it.
Good luck,