Posted by DJ in WA [] on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 10:34:45 :
In Reply to: Re: Transfer Case Question, 1951 FFPW posted by Dean [] on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 08:12:57 :
If both front wheels turned in reverse of the expected direction... that would be odd. Just one of them spinning backwards, no problem .... I think.
Normal with no load for a non-locked differential to allow axles to spin in opposite directions, you see this if you raise tires off the ground and spin one side - the other side spins the opposite direction. With a locker, both sides turn the same direction.
Since my back got bad, I haven’t spent much time recently turning wheels though so others can correct if I remember wrong.
Never thought about direction of the driveshaft in relation to this personally...all I was ever checking was “locker/Limited-slip or not” in used axles. Probably that video explains the magic ... :)