Posted by Glen of Idaho [] on Thursday, February 01, 2018 at 10:19:18 :
In Reply to: That reminds me.. posted by jim lee [] on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 23:29:19 :
I have them all and the easiest to use is the Lincoln 180 MIG. Now pay attention. Get .023 S6 wire and run straight co2 gas for short arc. The s6 wire is more money but worth it and the sales department will try to upsell the gas to some blend of co2 and argon, Don't do it stay with straight co2.
For stitch welding sheet metal you will be set and amazed at wow easy it is. Lincoln is now making the 180 in a combination 112v 220v. My brother got one and said it works good on 120v. Personally if I had 220v I would use that. Good luck.
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