Posted by Todd Somers [] on Sunday, January 14, 2018 at 21:16:48 :
When Dad gave me his 1948 B-1-PW that he bought new it the original fuel pump had been replaced with a non-original Airtex fuel pump that had 8 screws instead of the original pump that had 6. One day my brother and I were riding around in the ’48 and I was lamenting the fact that I had looked and looked for the old pump (Dad almost never threw anything away) and that if I had it, I would rebuild it. My brother then said that is in the shop where you park the Power-Wagon. I then told him that I had looked everywhere and it was GONE! He said “You are WRONG or you have thrown it away”! After more discussion, I changed the subject and we rode around a while. When we drove back home and as we were pulling in the shop to park the truck he said, “Do you see that cardboard box on that special high shelf above the work bench up at the bottom of the rafters?” I told him “Yes I see it, so what!”. “Look in that box!” he said. The special shelf that Dad built was made to be inaccessible for me and my brother when we were young as he stored blasting powder, dynamite and blasting caps and other things that he did not want for my brother and I to tinker with. Not having a ladder handy I climbed up on the work bench and retrieved the box and handed it to him. I climbed down from the bench. I opened the box and YES there was the pump I had been searching for! I had to admit that I was wrong that I thought Dad had thrown it away.
So I ordered a repair kit, rebuilt the pump and installed the original pump into Dad’s Power-Wagon.
Oh, the jar of blasting powder is still on the shelf...
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