Rear PTO Covers

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Posted by Tim Ellis [] on Sunday, December 17, 2017 at 09:54:22 :

Marty- Have you made a decision on the rear PTO pattern that the foundry re-discovered in August? I believe there were about 6-7 people interested in a new run. Clint volunteered to be the new keeper, and I would also volunteer. We have been collaborating to use his original for a new pattern, but would hate to add an extra $1000 to the cost of a new run if there is an existing one available. Would only sell new runs at cost as you mentioned. What do you think?

This is the earlier post.
Posted by Marty [] on Monday, August 21, 2017 at 23:28:55 :

Hi guys, not sure if anyone is still looking for a cover but 3 years ago I had several guys wanting reproduction cast iron castings but the foundry lost my pattern made off my original! Not sure if anyone else has done a run of these castings but 3 years later...miraculously they've found my pattern! I really don't need another job but that said, if someone hasn't already filled the void for reproduction cast iron covers, I'd be happy to put in an order for a few if there's anyone in need.
Alternatively, I'm happy to turn over the pattern if anyone else wants the job of having these cast periodically & isn't doing it to profit.
The pattern was very expensive...$1000. That said, I divided up the cost over several runs & it owes me nothing but I have no interest in turning it over to someone looking to profit from helping those in need.
If anyone wants the job...ill send it off. If anyone needs a idea of cost but happy to get a quote & im guessing around $200 per cover.
Let me know if anyone still needs one & sorry for the 3 year delay! :)

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