crankshaft bolt and pulley

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Posted by JIM W STARKEY [] on Sunday, November 12, 2017 at 21:28:01 :

I told you that my front pulley flew off my 54 PW the other night on the way home..well today I loosened the shroud and was able to get it out plus I found the crank bolt and toothed washer laying on the crossmember.The pulley is a stamped one with a narrow belt groove and showed no signs or marks of being bolted on to the hub.The hub has the timing marks and a wide belt groove on the back side for the water pump/gen...looks like the front pulley was held on by the big crank bolt but does anyone know what that narrow front pulley could have been for? I left it off and loctited the bolt and we are back on the road again..thanks Jim

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