Posted by RDavis on Saturday, December 01, 2001 at 11:10AM :
In Reply to: Differential Breathers posted by Drew Rogers on Saturday, December 01, 2001 at 1:38AM :
Don't skimp if you use your PW in adverse conditions on a fairly regular basis.
Even with seals, water has a way of seeping into cavities.I would start going through my drivetrain, draining,checking seals while adding vent-tubes or other items that will improve your drivetrain ,and replacing oils and greases.
People don't usually realize how poorly the CV joint is sealed inside the knuckle and water,mud and grit make the situation worse for the felt and rubber/leather seal.
Once inside the steering knuckle,water has only to get past one seal to make its way into the axle housing and if you don't use a outer hub seal, water could get in through the knuckle into the hub bearings through the spindle/axle shaft.
For those who have never heard of or seen a outer spindle seal, you may be hard pressed to find anything on them and some say they are unnecessary but if you do a lot of off roading in water and mud ,I feel they are a added benefit. When I first acquired my first WM300 in 81',I took stuff apart to check it out and lubricate it if needed.When I removed the axle shaft from the rear to inspect the hub bearings there was a flanged spindle seal. The seal was leather and inside a stamped tin-type housing with a flange that fit between the axleshaft flange and the hub having the matching bolt holes.
Should your differenial take on water it could not make it to the hub bearings from the spindle opening or if water got in past the inner hub seal,it could not make it inside the axle housing and differenial.I have only seen leather ones and I don't know if they are even available anymore, but I like them and will keep them on my truck.
If anyone knows where they can still be had ,Please let us know,I'd personally like to have a couple spares.
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