Posted by MoparNorm on Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 9:36PM :
In Reply to: WHY SO CHEAP posted by Paul on Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 8:29PM :
Well...the oil companies always get blamed for rising prices, so....heh heh, maybe this is a oil company conspiracy to lower prices???
Actually the real reason is very interesting, our so-called allies, the Saudis and Kuwaittis whose butts we saved only 10 years ago are whinning that Russia, our supposed enemy 10 years ago, is producing too much! Russia has informed the oldpeckers, uh I mean OPEC, that they cannot lower production in the winter, the oil wells will freeze and become useless, the Saudis are pissed because Russia is beginning to fully realize the production capabilities of their oil fields and upping production, this is lowering world crude prices. I say the Saudis and the horse they rode in on can go to hell,...uh or Mecca, and we transfer that 10% that we import from Saudi Arabia to Russia. The Russian oil has a little more sulfur in it but the price is more stable and the political price less than the arab oil. Between Alaska and Russia we can make up much of what we import from arabia.
Strange world indeed!
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