Re: https test without s

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Posted by jim lee [] on Tuesday, October 31, 2017 at 17:10:05 :

In Reply to: Re: https test without s posted by Mark in Flagstaff [] on Tuesday, October 31, 2017 at 14:43:03 :

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

Basic internet/networking:

All computers hooked to a network are called "Hosts".

Hosts that have some sort of information to offer are called "Servers".

Host that are looking for information are called "Clients".

Hosts (computers) connect by 2 numbers "Host address" and "Port number".

Host address tells what computer we are interested in.

Port number is a number specifying the protocol of the information that is going to be passed back and forth. How we want to start communicating. Like choosing a common language. There can be multiple different choices on one server so you need the port number to choose the correct one.

http = port 80. Want to grab web pages and things.
ftp = port 21. File Transfer Protocol. ( You use this all the time but don't know it. )
https = 443. Secure version of port 80 for paranoid types.

Your browser sees the http and knows what you really mean is port 80. The server you are connecting to only sees the 80.

Sockets : Your software engineer sees all these things as sockets. There are listening sockets and connecting sockets. Depending if you are offering a service and "listening" for "clients" to ask for it. Or you are looking for a service to "connect" to. There are others but enough is enough.

A server sets up a "listening" socket on a port number. A web server will open up a listening port 80 socket.

A client (you) asks for a connection from your address to the server's address on port 80. When the connection is established, the two can communicate.

I bet that just made everything even harder to understand. I had this beat into my head a long time ago at a job where I knew nothing about it and had to come up to speed and be "the man" almost overnight.

Luckily for me, some of the guys that were around when and where this stuff was developed, were there for me to ask questions. That saved my butt.

-jim lee

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